
Dissident's Lament

Having decided to quit “fighting against” in favour of “building for” a better tomorrow - came the 7/7 bombings - then PM Blair’s statements that it is our British way of life, our values, that have so inflamed deranged religious fanatics into attacking our society. Nothing more, history has played no part according to PM Blair.

I’m a white middle age/class Englishman, unclear about “our values”. However, supporting right wing religious extremists in N America and the invasion of resource rich regions to exploit finite oil reserves for profligate waste and thus creation of global warming doesn’t fit with my values. I see Blair as Emperor with no clothes. All around are the myopic fawners, the ever so moral and superior commentators and observers who fear to criticise for their own self interest. War is peace? and black is white?

The message on some streets and in many academic circles is that there is a very different reality and it does involve history. The “Arab Street” is calling for justice and an end to Western interference. Contrary to what PM Blair spins, Bin Laden states that Muslim outrage is about western policies that impinge on the lives of Muslims. Bin Laden says if it were just “ western freedoms” then “why don’t we strike Sweden” ?

I am now adding my bit to the muffled voices calling, in effect, for a Truth Commission on Grand Britannia for our meddling and intrigue in the Middle East, now and in the distant past. I know “collectively we are stronger” but I’m beaten by “democratic” committee structures of protest, where many seem to seek the issues that divide rather than unite. A Monty Python “Life of Brian” scenario. Happily the internet now offers a compromise. It enhances the possibilities for co-operation on specific issues where we can dissent individually as part of a collective effort - and no meetings.

My hope is that in following some of the links you maybe be inspired to join the growing numbers of souls with conscience that want to scream out “NOT IN MY NAME”. With an issue in mind you can either communicate with elected power or media power or other contacts of influence. See Links. It may not be revolution tomorrow but we know the world does not have to be like this. They say “It is necessary only for the good to do nothing for evil to triumph”. Adding your voice to those seeking change increases the weight of opposition by one. When one and one make a million we’ll see that day come round. This is my contribution.

Spark: glowing or glittering particle, active & vivid -
ready to cause explosion yet easily extinguished.
Communications: imparting, conveying.

I’ll try to be a useful messenger.

Yours in peace

John Yates Sept 5th 2005